Monday, June 28, 2010

busy, busy, busy...

Ahhhh, we have been so stinkin' busy lately! We just closed on a new house and will be moving over the next few weeks! I am really looking forward to living in the new house, it has a lot of stuff our current home is lacking, such as...a basement, an upstairs, a dishwasher, a shower...just to name a few! It's only a few miles from our current home, which is nice.

Last weekend Daddy and I took William to his first ever movie! It was Toy Story 3 and Will did great! He watched the movie some and did do some seat hopping and even played on the stairs a few times but for the most part he was pretty well behaved. I think he liked the popcorn and frozen pop more than the movie but he still had fun. After the movie we went and rode the mini trains and went out to lunch.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15th, 2010

Today Will and I had a great day! We went to Belle Isle with Grandma S, Aunt A, and cousin's H & E. William really loves spending time with his cousins, he adores H (7), he follows him around and just laughs at him. H loves to make him laugh and acts so goofy just to make Will smile. Will and E also get along great, she wasn't so sure about Will when he was first born but no they play very nicely together. Anyways we feed some duckies and then had a picnic next to a playground and the kids ran around all over the place. Will of course fell asleep on the ride home and when we got back to the house he wanted some cuddle time. We chilled on the sofa for a while and then we cooked dinner. After dinner we took a walk and played outside for bit. William decided to sample some dirt, not as good as it looked! When we came in Will played in the tub for a while and now he is running around the bedroom. He is wearing H's fingerless glove and bringing me all the books form the bookcase! Hopefully he will be ready for sleep soon!

OH WOW, my very first blog post!!!!!

So, I have decided to jump on the bandwagon and start my very own blog! I am pretty sure that I will be the only person reading it, so if this is someone else, thanks for reading! I feel a little like julie from julia/julie when she first starts her blog, LOL!

Anyhow, I don't really have an hidden agenda behind this blog, I am pretty much middle of the road in most things, although there are plenty of things that I do feel very strongly about and those things don't always match up on the same side.

Mostly the purpose of this blog is to let my son know how I feel. I want him to be able to look back at this in 25 or 30 years and know how much I love him and how much I truly, truly enjoy being his mommy.

So from the beginning...I guess I should include some background about myself. I am currently 36 (YIKES!) and a full time stay at home mommy and part time student. I have been married to Phil for almost 16! years. We have had our share of up and downs but mostly we have a lot of fun together. We aren't perfect but we do seem to fit well together, at least most of the time. We met when I was 19 and he was 23, we clicked right away and moved in together about 5 months after we started dating. We got married one year to the day after we moved in together. We also went to the same high school, but we didn't know each other then, Phil was a senior when I was a freshman. So, moving on...before I got pregnant with William I worked at a bank, I had been in banking for about 10 years when I was "let go". At the time it seemed like such an awful thing, but in a way I was glad, I hated my job and was miserable every single day. I looked for another job and had several interviews, but nothing was working out...Phil and I, well mostly me, decided to try having a baby, and so with our first round of clomid, we got PREGNANT! The day I found out was one of the five happiest days of my life! So getting fired turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me!

We found out that I was expecting in March of 2008, I was already nine weeks along and had no idea! I didn't have any morning sickness or really any other symptoms. The only indications that I "could" be pregnant were my increased sense of smell (I almost puked changing my nieces diaper, which in all my years of changing poopy butts had never happened!) and I thought my boobs were getting bigger. Nobody was more surprised though than Phil! I had to pee on a stick in front of him before he believed me! But we were both over the moon! I loved being pregnant! Knowing that my baby was growing inside of me just filled me with love, I really believe that even before he was born, William know how much I loved him and that he was meant to be my baby as much as I was meant to be his mommy. I am big believer in that every thing happens for a might not always know it right away but it will always come clear in the end.

I think this is a good start for now. I am sure I will be adding new post as often as William allows me to, LOL!